Four clear steps

As the person in charge of an organisation, you are faced with the challenge of setting up and further developing an effective and clear organisation, in keeping with the organisation's chosen direction and in an ever-changing context. 


We make complexity simple

These are complex issues, given the diversity of roles, performance markers and expectations within your organisation. Not to mention the ever-changing market and environment, to which the organisation has to constantly adjust. This requires sound foundations which respond flexibly to changes, such as a solid organisation design, an approach to talent-based organisation and work, a flexible and recognisable job/role matrix and a fair remuneration policy.

Four steps for every project


Our vast experience has led to a clear and organised approach. The Styr plan takes you to the desired result in just four steps, regardless of the assignment or service you choose. From a job matrix and salary structure alone to comprehensive organisation design and talent-based method for organising and working, you can expect us to present a clear course of action. The number of elements per step may increase or decrease depending on your needs.


Mapping where the organisation stands, focusing on the specific issue, outlining the scope of the project and identifying potential using the Clear Company Framework.


Learn the language

We ensure that everyone starts speaking a shared Styr language and learns to look at people and organisations through the same lens.


A Clear Design

Mapping and developing structure, teams, jobs, talents and rewards for an agile organisation.


Make it work

We guide the rollout, install the necessary tooling and embed the Styr model so that the organisation can start using it.


1. Kick-off with the Clear Company Framework

Mapping where the organisation stands, focusing on the specific issue, outlining the scope of the project and identifying potential using the Clear Company Framework.

This step is not only an analysis but also the basis for developing a targeted approach in the context of the specific organisation. We can arrange practical implementation of this Kick-off or deploy it more extensively across the organisation if you desire.

  • Conduct the 'Clear Company Framework' pre-scan.
  • Define clear products for delivery.
  • Lay out a practical Roadmap.
  • Set up the project organisation.

2. Learn the language

The second step, ‘Learn the Language’, focuses on learning the Styr language, a shared language for your organisation that everyone can understand. This is crucial in organisation design, grading and rewards and talent-based organising and working. This language is clear, simple and accessible to all levels, from the boardroom to the work floor. This enables all stakeholders to actually talk about the same topics when it comes to organisational design, salary and job grading or a talent-based working method. This approach to communication is a key component for achieving a clear direction and activating the problem-solving capabilities and talents within an organisation.

An e-learning has been developed to help you learn the Styr language. This is intended for people who are involved in the project as well as those who will join later. Learning the Styr language gets the organisation involved at an early stage. Which means that the ‘Make it work’ phase actually starts in step 2.

  • Learning and applying the Styr language in one's organisational context.
  • Learning to recognise problem solving capabilities.
  • Understanding how to develop and align people and organisation.
  • Learning how to be in control as an organisation when having those discussions that are crucial for a clear company.
  • Understanding what grading and rewarding added value means. "

3. A clear design

During the ‘Clear design’ step, we apply the Styr model to thoroughly map the structure, teams, jobs, remuneration and talent within the organisation and provide recommendations for a workable and clear design and policy. By means of a gap analysis, we compare the current and desired situations, yielding insight into optimum allocation of responsibilities and talents, staff deployability, team composition and the necessary organisational development. The design and gap analysis lead to improved management information and decision-making, which are essential for the necessary development of people and organisation and the transformation to a clear organisation.


  • Establishing a clear structure that matches the organisation’s ambition and strategy.
  • Designing job, role and talent matrices.
  • Compiling validated profiles with or without TMA competences.
  • Conducting a remuneration benchmark.
  • Designing a salary structure & remuneration policy.
  • Determining the foundation for a talent-based working method and continuously aligning people and work.
  • Designing an approach to performance management.
  • Transforming into a clear company.

4. Make it work

In the fourth and final step, ‘Make it Work’, we take the steps towards the desired situation, building on the insights and elaborations from the previous steps. In doing so, we implement essential tools and train managers to ensure the processes are embedded within your organisation. This will enable your team to make independent use of the new structures, systems and processes. We will, of course, assist as needed. Moreover, we focus on establishing checkpoints to ensure that your organisation remains ‘clear’ in the long term. 

This phase is crucial in order to safeguard the sustainability of changes, to work in a talent-based way and to ensure that your organisation continues to grow and adapt to future challenges. The result is a clear company and connected people.

  • Drafting a ‘Make it work’ plan incl. a communication plan.
  • Providing advice and support with regard to implementation.
  • Training course on talent-oriented leadership.
  • Learning to work with the online tooling.
  • Optional: annual maintenance and quality check. "

The importance of the right approach

We apply not only our design knowledge, but also our years of experience to bring these kinds of sensitive projects to a successful end. A result that will be of continued use to the organisation. Projects in the field of grading, rewards and talent-based organising and working affect everyone in the organisation and require care and clarity in the implementation and communication with the Works Council, managers and employees. All this requires experience and knowledge of this particular subject matter. That's why it's nice to know that the Styr 4-step plan will get you to a clear result.

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Styr continues to fight unrelentingly for clarity and connected employees.

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