The power of talent-based organising and working
The power of talent-based organising and working
People are most valuable when they are doing work that suits them. Work that’s in keeping with their drives, talents, problem solving capabilities and competences.

Discovering the value of talents
When you empower your people, you get connected employees who are happy to go one step further. Because they feel valued. An organisation that nurtures the talents of its employees has an edge. After all, it’s a place where people want to work – and keep working. Styr helps you become such a sought-after organisation: one in which you are clear about the unique talents of your people. And how to make strategic use of those talents
What to expect
You can expect us, with our years of experience, to deliver results in connection with your organisation's challenges. We provide advice and support with regard to:
Clear results thanks to a focus on talent
Talent-based organising and development offers all kinds of benefits for your organisation.
1. Better performance
Talent-based organisation means we put your people to work based on their individual drives and talents. This results in better-performing employees and a better-performing organisation.
2. Greater insight
We give your management the tools and data to better understand the connection between all available talents, problem solving capabilities, drives and competences. At every level: individual, team and organisational.
3. Successful teams
We help you manage teams in a talent-based way. By doing so, you improve mutual cooperation and communication.
4. Unique recruitment
What problem solving capabilities, drives or competences do people need to be successful within your organisation? Once you’re clear on this, you can recruit and select in a more targeted way as well. That way, you hire people who work well with the existing colleagues with from day one.
Our other clear solutions
Clarity on clear organisation design and perspective
What is the chosen direction, and what challenges does the organisation face? How do you translate that into an effective division of responsibilities and ownership for teams, jobs, roles and people? What kind of talent is needed for this? With a clear organisation design and a shared language from Styr, this quickly becomes clear.
Learn more about this solution
Clarity on hybrid grading and rewards
Those who feel valued have more fun at work and perform better. So not only does the organisation gain connected people, it also gets results to feel happy about!
Learn more about this solution
"Styr brings clarity to what we may, want, and can do at INNAX, enabling us as a team to perform better and do exactly the right thing."
CEO Jörgen Waagenaar

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Styr continues to fight unrelentingly for clarity and connected employees.
Styr continues to fight unrelentingly for clarity and connected employees.